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About Flag Football


What is Flag Football?                                  

Flag Football is a non-contact (there may be incidental contact) variant of football where, instead of tackling players to the ground, the defensive team must remove a flag from the ball carrier to end a down. Flag Football is typically played 5 on 5, 6 on 6 or 7 on 7 and can be tailored to fit an organization's structure and needs. Flag Football is a low cost way to enjoy the sport of football with the only gear being a mouth guard and cleats (both optional but HIGHLY recommended). Additional information about the sport of flag football is provided below in the links. 

Why play Flag Football?

With football being a huge part of the TJ community, we wanted to expand the offerings to help keep our kids active and learn new sports. Additionally, there may be some kids who want to play Football but are not interested in tackle. Flag Football also has a greater appeal for a coed sport. 

We have reached out to the Pittsburgh Steelers organization and they have generously agreed to donate jerseys, flag belts and footballs to help us get this program off the ground. 

Additional Resources

Additional resources to help you decide if Flag Football is right for you and your child can be found at the following links. 

1. Why Flag Football?*
2. How to Play Flag Football*

*TJYF Flag Football rules may vary

TJ Flag Football

Jefferson Hills, Pennsylvania 15025

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